Feb 62 was overdue for our 60th anniversary celebrations due to Covid. We sent out requests for ideas
asking, as in the past, if they would like an overnight reunion. The general consensus was that it was
really not practical. Many are not driving, many have mobility problems, many have partners that they
cannot leave overnight. So, a luncheon was planned for May 4 th at Shaughnessy Restaurant in Vancouver
as it had a central location. The restaurant was very accommodating as to when we had to give them the
final attendance numbers. We also could order al la carte, we did not have to have a set menu. In the
end, there were 14 of us who enjoyed a very nice lunch there, including four that were able to travel
from the Island. We were able to stay as long as we wished and have a good visit. At the conclusion of
the meal everyone left with a long stem red rose reminiscent of our graduation.
Our class has been fortunate to stay in touch over the years and there is a group of locals plus anyone
else who might be in town at the time, who meet for lunch every 6 – 8 weeks. We have been doing this
for more than 20 years and hope to carry on for another 20!!
Sadly, we have lost 21 members of our graduation class of 64.Submitted by Pat Berda and Mollie Addison.![]()