Text (added after 1949) underneath image reads: Beatty, Pender, Cambie Streets and Lane, photo taken looking southwest. Twenty nurses, Miss Margaret Glendenning, Lady Superintendent. Owned by City of Vancouver, and operated as civic department until 1902, when it was incorporated as "Vancouver General Hospital." Vacated as a hospital January 1909, and moved to Fairview. The white square on left in and outside cloth blind to diminish glare in operating room. The tall building directly behind is staff offices, pharmacy, private wards, women's wards, dining room and kitchen. It was erected in 1907. The main building on right, erected several years earlier contained surgical wards below and medical wards above. It was an exceptionally well equipped establishment surrounded with green lawns and beautiful flowers. After 1907 was used successively as old peoples' home, crèche, McGill University college, and Social Services Dept offices. On the evening of 18 Nov 1949 at largely attended civic reception as a farewell to the old place, soon to be demolished, and its site converted into parking accommodation for motor cars. Its condition is a tribute to the builder. City (text becomes unintelligible).